Working Memory

Good Working Memory is critical for attaining creative writing and reading pleasure

Working Memory is the memory that allows you to hold and work on lots of visual, auditory and motor information in the brain at the same time, in order to perform multistep sequential activities.

It is the ability to keep information in your mind for the length of time it takes to do an activity, remembering each step required to complete the task. It is not just storage of data but the ability to keep information active for long enough to do something with it. A good example is the act of writing a dictation. In this example a student has to remember word sequence in the sentence, handwriting (letter formation), spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A child with poor working memory, for example one who cannot connect sound with letter shape, is quickly left behind.

Working memory is greatly improved when children learn in a multisensory way as they do in Write2Spell2Read. This program based on Neuroscience research recognizes the importance of developing strong pathways or links between the motor (movement), auditory (sound), and visual (sight) areas of the brain. These links are sometimes called the glue that holds these 3 areas together, allowing the memory banks of each to be easily accessed and the relationship between their content to be understood.

It is very important that building block literacy skills become automatic with practice in order to free up working memory space for more complex skills such as reading comprehension, and fluency in writing, spelling and reading. Write2Spell’s success by design ensures that skills become automatic and working memory is strengthened. Write2Spell2Read’s way of teaching in the earliest years, saying the name of the letter, the sound it makes and simultaneously writing it in the correct way, is essential for good working memory. Similarly in the later years learning and writing all the letter combinations that spell a sound strengthens good working memory and gives spelling and reading success. Within the design of the Write2Spell2Read program are many working memory activities including the use of memory grids and blindfold work, activities that strengthen working memory.

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